You might be familiar with SLS and SLES already, but if you're not, here is why you might want to choose a soap that is made without these two ingredients.

Most soap products on the market today contain SLS (Sodium Lauryl  Sulfate) actually its in just about everything, toothpaste, laundry powder, shampoo/conditioner, dishwashing liquid and hand soaps. SLS is a harsh synthetic detergent and foaming agent that corrodes in order to clean, they use this foaming agent to create the rich lather and for its intense visual cleaning action. Many companies have tried to soften the effects of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate by a process called ethoxylation, this process changes SLS to Sodium Laureth Sulfate. The problem with this is twofold; ethoxylation generates a by-product known as '1, 4 dioxane', this by-product is a carcinogen and is more harmful than the original SLS. Secondly, there are still many cases of laureth sulfates being linked to skin irritation and eczema. My husband had sensitive skin and would come out of the shower in rashes this then was heightened by wearing freshly laundered clothes. At first we thought these rashes were from general allergies possibly work related and at one point started putting the blame on our beloved family dog. I started doing my research into ingredients in the particular washing powder and soaps my family used, this is when I found that SLS was in everything. I looked into this product further and found out about its harmful affects and this is when I started making my own soap, washing powder and many other products all SLS free. The irritations were no longer. 

A book I found helpful, Beauty Bible, Paula Begoun (The Cosmetics Cop).